Search Results for: BlackProGen

BlackProGen LIVE! Episode 65: After the War Has Gone: Civil War Pensions & the Grand Army of the Republic

Tracing back to a Civil War veteran can be key in breaking through the brick wall. Learn about priceless Civil War Pension files along with the history and documents generated by the fraternal organization of Civil War veterans founded in 1866.

BlackProGen LIVE! Episode 65: After the War Has Gone: Civil War Pensions & the Grand Army of the Republic Read More »

BlackProGen LIVE! Episode 63: What About You?!? Documenting Your Own Story

Researchers spend so much time on dead people that they often overlook the story brewing right before their eyes – THEIR OWN! In this episode, we’ll discuss how to dial back and learn how to document your story as you do so for your ancestors.

BlackProGen LIVE! Episode 63: What About You?!? Documenting Your Own Story Read More »

BlackProGen LIVE! Episode 58: Pa Not Pa: Dealing With New, Unsettling Info in DNA Research

DNA for genealogy can provide some huge wins but also deliver unexpected news. In this episode, we discuss the types of unsettling info one can encounter and ways to deal with potentially life changing information.

BlackProGen LIVE! Episode 58: Pa Not Pa: Dealing With New, Unsettling Info in DNA Research Read More »

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