Thanks to those of you who were able to join today’s small group session. We did check-ins, discussed the recent AAHGS conference, reviewed an article from the Washington Post, and did a review of our experiences browsing through the 1850 and 1860 Slave Schedules or Mortality Schedules.
Next, we broke out into two separate groups (Green and Gold) for project work on interviews. After some time, the groups came back together and reported out the following:
- How thorough was the interviewer?
- How open was the interviewee?
- What are some of the interesting details you learned about the interviewee?
- How can what you learned help you in your own project?
Our last small group for 2020 will be held on Sunday, November 15, 2020 at 2pm Pacific/4pm Central/5pm Eastern.
Next assignment:
Conduct an interview on a family member or, have someone interview you. Report back on what you learned and the experience doing so. Use the The Ultimate Family History Interview Primer if you need help with questions.
Send your responses back to me via email at