So, it seems like we’ve become a thing and that means we need to take the next step.
I mean, that’s only what you do when you’ve made this thing long term, right?
Y’all. We are celebrating ONE YEAR in this space. 365 whole days. As in 52 weeks, 8,760 hours, or 525,600 minutes.
I wasn’t sure it would actually work or that people would even think they would get something from this, but you/they did and we’re going strong.
I have a TON of stuff planned for 2021. You may have seen some changes around these parts when it comes to what’s offered in tiers, the visuals, all that. It’s time we pour some virtual champagne (or whatever your fave drink is), and talk all that and more.
Join me for a virtual anniversary party on Wednesday, January 27, 2021 at 5pm Pacific/7pm Central/8pm Eastern. Dial-in information is below.
Zoom Meeting ID: 878 1744 2246
Passcode: 141319
See you then!